Friday, June 22, 2012

Fountain Fantasies - Indoor Fountains – The New Trends in Interior Designing

Interior designing is a creative and innovative aspect in which various techniques and ideas are applied to make the interiors of a living space more attractive and unique. Interior decoration of a building or house reflects the lifestyle and class of people. It seems like the trends in home decor are drifting away from heirloom pieces and traditional design, and are moving forward in a more modern direction where the actual design instead speaks for itself. This is great and there is no need to argue with popular demand, but there are many ways to creatively transform some of your favorite memories into extremely innovative interior accents like the indoor fountains. 

A pre-designed fountain for the interior that mimic commercial copper, tempered and glass wall fountains, can add to the look of your indoors complimented by the tranquility of water flow in a work of art. You can add a touch of serenity to your personal spaces with these exclusive art pieces. You can create a lasting impression on the minds of your friends and relatives with these creative art pieces.

Tabletop fountains are a great way to quell interior design boredom-simply purchase a tabletop style that you like and later, exchange out the bowls or change the rocks. You'll get a whole new look without the sore back that comes from moving furniture. If you make a fountain and tire of looking at water flowing over mementos from your last beach trip, just unplug the fountain, replace the old items with new ones, and you'll have a new fountain up and running in less time than it takes to bake a pan of muffins. Most of the indoor fountains that you purchase are also lightweight enough to move from room to room as your whim dictates.

Wall water cascades are also meant for compact home interiors. Walls embellished with indoor wall fountains and wall mounted water springs give your home a stunning look. Floor water spouts are meant for spacious indoor spaces. You can add life to your personal rooms with exclusive floor water cascades. These fountain models are made from stone, ceramic, copper, aluminum and terracotta.

The rising popularity of indoor fountains is an unexplained phenomenon. Indoor fountains happen to be the natural link between outdoor and indoor spaces, and their popularity is tied to rising interests in gardening. And innovations galore, water is the newest material for sculptural artists and interior designers always in search of the newest trend. Or perhaps tabletop fountains are just our way of celebrating our collec­tive past, of bringing a piece of the grand and the historical into our homes in a very downscaled, man­ageable way. Whatever the reason, tabletop and wall fountains are sure to be­come even more popular as home owners discover the joy of dressing up their living havens with indoor fountains.


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