“There’s a calm surrender, to the rush of day
When the heat of a rolling wind, can be turned away”
It’s funny how there are so many different songs, about different things that can inspire blog posts about other things. Who’d have thought that a song about two childhood sweethearts, would feature on a blog like this about completely unrelated topics. But then, to be fair, who’d have thought there’d come a time when air conditioners existed in the world. It’s hard to imagine a time when the heat of the day was all there was, with no respite. I’m sure everyone will agree when I say god bless Benjamin Franklin and John Hadley for conducting the first experiment that concluded “From this experiment, one may see the possibility of freezing a man to death on a warm summer's day” and laid the foundation for a possibility of the thing we now refer to as AC. Of course, to read about how he phrased his conclusion is a little gruesome, but still.
Life today is easy, we barely even feel the heat anymore. Everything and everywhere is more often than not air-conditioned, making the heat only a little unpleasant as compared to the potential it has to be nasty.
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