Wonder what our heart is…never senses logic! The brain I suppose must often wonder oh! Why am I so often linked with the most foolish of organs…the heart. The answer never was clear, the debate went on…the religious follower of the brain said…they who follow the heart are condemned to be foolish and the followers of the heart branded their rivals as insensitive.
So here my quest began to find the solution to this raging war….who will win? Nah… I found a perfect solution, a truce. The answer was TAIN….now ask me why that is….
Well a perfect mix of the heart and brain….where you invest cleverly in a dream. See…what I mean. The perfect solution to the invisible problem….TAIN has it all that you desire and implements it according to your convenience….the customization of your house is just what would want….customization to suite your will and pocket too.
Sooo…..then what happened? well….the heart and brain reached a common understanding of TAIN.Then man started to consider I shall listen to my brain but also keep in mind my heart and all it wants.
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