Teenagers will always want to outdo their friends with their sense of style and attitude. Therefore, taking into consideration these few tips will help it be a win-win situation. (The whining for black paint and ugly couches will be a little, if not completely, subdued.)
There are different phases in their lives that parents have no choice but to deal with. The happy-go-lucky phase, the emo phase and of course, the spending hours in front of the mirror phase.
Let your child have a say in what they want and show them support (of course, within reason).
Kids at this age are very brand conscious and make their choices at the product’s face value. So, if the décor they want to opt for is both financially logical and fairly high-end in its looks, go for it.
The paint should be your first compromise. The right shade makes a huge difference to the look. Fresh and bright colours like deep purple, mauve, lime green and burgundy is something that I’m sure the two of you could live with. Two hues that contrast with each other would look great.
The ornaments that they choose should also be one that would stick around for some time. Thus, not something that would be driven from one of the phases above. They will soon get bored with it. Let them be dramatic, but not over the top.
If your teen is an athletic, creating that sportsman atmosphere in his/her bedroom will make them feel like they are constantly in their element. Thus, having a mini basketball court while they can practice their shooting skills will make them much more confident before a match. Designing the cabinets in a compact way ensures more space around. A cozy bed and an abstract shelf above it add the basic necessities with a contemporary twist. All this, very cleverly avoids clutter.
If your teen wants a pink razz coloured room, the brightness can be toned down by adding white in certain areas. This way, it retains its liveliness and does not make one feel like they are trapped in a bubble gum. Pasting or painting floral designs on the areas that is white is also very chic and subtle so it makes the room more visually airy.
Some teens just like to keep it simple and classic. They prefer a sleek look. In this case, light greens and blues will be a hit. Keeping the furniture within the theme is also important. Quality plays a huge role in such a room. High end chrome coloured chairs with a tinge of orange and turquoise blue adds some spice. A humble bookshelf too, projects your child’s love for intellect. Keep it basic. Keep it blue.
We relate a teenage girl with pink. This one is for those that want to go in the other direction and prefer shades of blue. Blue is incorporated into a bedroom to create that soothing effect. It will calm her nerves while prepping for a big test. Using blue is fun as almost everything matches with it. Contrasting tones, and the same hues! You can also play around with fuchsia and darker shades of pink. Cream coloured cabinets, bed stands and a wardrobe will warm it up.
For one that is the total outdoorsy kind, rustic elements will make them feel at camp!
Furniture made from oak or pine will create that effect. Country patterns and lumberjack plaids will emphasize it too. Red lacquered window panes too, contrast with the rustic wood.
Pastel colours too, bring out the freshness in a room. These colour schemes strive in making the room frolic. Butterfly bed spreads and curtains keep it simple but project the symbol of freedom and independence.
If your teen’s room is comparatively smaller in space, it can be made visually spacious by adding white and blue as a colour scheme. Periwinkle blue will make it look both classy and contemporary. Other shades like indigo and teal too, can be used to enhance the look and bring out the upscale feel to the fore.
Keeping the room clean and simple in a small space can be a challenge. But using the right colours and furniture that is spaced out at the right angles, can help you overcome the issue of space.
Your teen’s room should be that safe place they love to retire to after a bad day at school. They should find solace in the fact that they will cheer up once they return home.
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