According to me- the eternal juggler, nothing can rejuvenate those hinges of a saturated mind like a weekend getaway.
Its short, it’s pleasant and very effective!
So, you’re a businessman - You’re pressed for time. You haven’t been able to spend that essential quality time that the entire family must have at least once in two months. What do you do?
You hire people to plan it for you! Yes, there actually are companies out there that plan an entire weekend getaway for you. May it be a break from college, work or even one of those stints where you just take off to “find yourself”.
From a romantic aspect:
It helps you re-discover the other person. It probably will bring back a lot of memories considering the amount of time you two have been presented with- in comparison to your hectic schedules clashing together like cymbals in a deaf band.
It beats out the “lather, rinse repeat” routine that you very monotonously follow therefore turning you into a robot.
Every couple needs those few weekends of re-kindling their relationship. It breaks that cycle of an automated mind and lets you THINK! You would realize that a lot of the problems and questions that you just can’t find a solution to, will simply solve itself. The effect of a well rested mind.
From a family aspect:
A weekend with the family should involve a lot of activities which lets everyone bond with one another. While the camping out and roasting marshmallows over a bonfire concept is a huge hit, an unforgettable weekend should be what your family deserves! So switching off those cell-phones would be step one. Engaging them in physical activities like hiking would help you encourage one another to overcome obstacles both literally and metaphorically. It can be a competition. The winner reaches the end of the hike without stopping! Delight and educate your kids on different kinds of plants and birds! Nature will be a great way to beat out stress. Renting bicycles too, would be a great idea
Time, to restore one’s brain cells before immersing one’s self into the livelihood grime, is important. So, go ahead! Entice your mind and tickle your senses! Go and have a fabulous weekend!